Codename : Smog5M06

About Me

do you need an experienced hacker to hire for hacking or tracking smartphones , whatsapp , instagram or grade changing ? then hire me , i have over 7 years experience on this area of hacking with 99.9% success rate, i can complete my hack in less than 7 hour and i provide proof before you release escrow to me , contact me if you need a hacker only serious client , dont contact if you are not ready .

Skills and Prices

  • Iphone hack : $ 400
  • Android hack : $ 400
  • Whatsapp hack : $ 360
  • Email hack : $ 300
  • Facebook hack : $ 320
  • Instagram hack : $ 320
  • Icloud hack : $ 320
  • Credit Score hack : $ 520
  • Database hack : $ 500
  • Website hack : $ 400
  • Grade Change: $ 600
  • Ransomware : $ 900

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Our money back policy covers transactions processed via our escrow system .

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